Tag Archivio per: Restaurant Tuscan cuisine in Florence

Restaurants in Florence Osteria

Restaurants in Florence Osteria

With a history of eight years behind it, Osteria Cipolla Rossa, in Via dei conti, 53 / r in Florence, has fully established itself among the top restaurants in the heart of Florence.

Osteria Cipolla Rossa is a restaurant where the real highlight is meat, a choice that comes from the belief that specializing in a real culinary branch allows you to give your best; the meat, from Fiorentina, is of excellent quality, and to make sure you make the most of the characteristics of these meats, the Manetti butcher personally takes care, in specially installed cells, the last stages of a skilful maturation, the first fundamental piece on which the mosaic rests of the many courses that the restaurant menu boasts. The dishes that are served are mostly cooked on the grill.

The room is designed to create a familiar but elegant environment, the exposed bricks, paintings, and other furnishing accessories give the feeling of a warm and welcoming environment

We are waiting for you. For any information you can contact us at our telephone number or by email.
Our staff will answer you as soon as possible.

Osteria Cipolla Rossa
Via dei conti, 53/r – 50123 – Firenze (FI)
Tel : 055 214210 ‎

Traditional dishes of Florence, Eat tuscan in Florence, Restaurant Tuscan cuisine in Florence, Florentine steak in Florence Duomo area, Florence restaurant specialized in steak, Where to eat Real Florentine steak in Florence, Restaurants in Florence Osteria, Florentine steak in Florence, Reviews Bistecca alla Florentine steak restaurant in Florence, Trattoria Ricette Toscane in Florence, Restaurant of fine meats in Florence, Home cooking in Florence, Florentine steak in Florence, Florence Where to eat the Florentine steak

Florence Where to eat the Florentine steak

Florence Where to eat the Florentine steak

With a history of eight years behind it, Osteria Cipolla Rossa, in Via dei conti, 53 / r in Florence, has fully established itself among the top restaurants in the heart of Florence.

Osteria Cipolla Rossa is a restaurant where the real highlight is meat, a choice that comes from the belief that specializing in a real culinary branch allows you to give your best; the meat, from Fiorentina, is of excellent quality, and to make sure you make the most of the characteristics of these meats, the Manetti butcher personally takes care, in specially installed cells, the last stages of a skilful maturation, the first fundamental piece on which the mosaic rests of the many courses that the restaurant menu boasts. The dishes that are served are mostly cooked on the grill.

The room is designed to create a familiar but elegant environment, the exposed bricks, paintings, and other furnishing accessories give the feeling of a warm and welcoming environment

We are waiting for you. For any information you can contact us at our telephone number or by email.
Our staff will answer you as soon as possible.

Osteria Cipolla Rossa
Via dei conti, 53/r – 50123 – Firenze (FI)
Tel : 055 214210 ‎

Traditional dishes of Florence, Eat tuscan in Florence, Restaurant Tuscan cuisine in Florence, Florentine steak in Florence Duomo area, Florence restaurant specialized in steak, Where to eat Real Florentine steak in Florence, Restaurants in Florence Osteria, Florentine steak in Florence, Reviews Bistecca alla Florentine steak restaurant in Florence, Trattoria Ricette Toscane in Florence, Restaurant of fine meats in Florence, Home cooking in Florence, Florentine steak in Florence, Florence Where to eat the Florentine steak

Florentine steak in Florence

Restaurant Tuscan cuisine in Florence

With a history of eight years behind it, Osteria Cipolla Rossa, in Via dei conti, 53 / r in Florence, has fully established itself among the top restaurants in the heart of Florence.

Osteria Cipolla Rossa is a restaurant where the real highlight is meat, a choice that comes from the belief that specializing in a real culinary branch allows you to give your best; the meat, from Fiorentina, is of excellent quality, and to make sure you make the most of the characteristics of these meats, the Manetti butcher personally takes care, in specially installed cells, the last stages of a skilful maturation, the first fundamental piece on which the mosaic rests of the many courses that the restaurant menu boasts. The dishes that are served are mostly cooked on the grill.

The room is designed to create a familiar but elegant environment, the exposed bricks, paintings, and other furnishing accessories give the feeling of a warm and welcoming environment

We are waiting for you. For any information you can contact us at our telephone number or by email.
Our staff will answer you as soon as possible.

Osteria Cipolla Rossa
Via dei conti, 53/r – 50123 – Firenze (FI)
Tel : 055 214210 ‎

Traditional dishes of Florence, Eat tuscan in Florence, Restaurant Tuscan cuisine in Florence, Florentine steak in Florence Duomo area, Florence restaurant specialized in steak, Where to eat Real Florentine steak in Florence, Restaurants in Florence Osteria, Florentine steak in Florence, Reviews Bistecca alla Florentine steak restaurant in Florence, Trattoria Ricette Toscane in Florence, Restaurant of fine meats in Florence, Home cooking in Florence, Florentine steak in Florence, Florence Where to eat the Florentine steak

Restaurant Tuscan cuisine in Florence

Con una storia di ormai otto anni alla spalle l’Osteria Cipolla Rossa, in Via dei conti, 53/r a Firenze, si è affermata a pieno titolo tra i ristoranti di spicco del cuore di Firenze.

L’Osteria Cipolla Rossa è un ristorante in cui il vero piatto forte è la carne, scelta che deriva dalla convinzione che specializzarsi su un vero ramo culinario permetta di dare il meglio; la carne, di Fiorentina, è di eccelsa qualità, e per assicurassi di sfruttare al meglio le caratteristiche di tali carni la macelleria Manetti cura personalmente, in celle appositamente istallate, le ultime fasi di una sapiente frollatura, primo tassello fondamentale su cui poggia il mosaico delle numerose portate che vanta il menù del ristorante. I piatti che vengono serviti sono per la maggior parte cotti sulla griglia.

La sala è studiata per creare un ambiente familiare ma elegante, i mattoni a vista, i quadri, e gli altri complementi di arredo danno la sensazione di un ambiente caldo e accogliente

Vi aspettiamo. Per qualunque informazione potete contattarci al nostro numero di telefono oppure tramite email.
Il nostro staff vi risponderà al più presto. 

Osteria Cipolla Rossa
Via dei conti, 53/r – 50123 – Firenze (FI)
Tel : 055 214210 ‎

Piatti tradizionali di Firenze, Eat tuscan in Florence, Restaurant Tuscan cuisine in Florence, Bistecca fiorentina a Firenze zona Duomo, Ristorante Firenze specializzato nella Bistecca, Dove Mangiare Vera Bistecca Fiorentina a Firenze, Ristoranti Firenze Osteria, Bistecca alla Fiorentina a Firenze, Recensioni Bistecca alla fiorentina, Ristorante bistecca a Firenze, Trattoria Ricette Toscane Firenze, Ristorante di carni pregiate Firenze, Ristorazioni cucina casalinga Firenze, Bistecca alla fiorentina a Firenze, Firenze Dove mangiare la bistecca fiorentina